
March is a month of numerous visits for site inspections to many venues, which we check for plannedfuture conferences. Today, we visited Hotel Sobienie Królewskie Golf &Country Club****. It is a complex of new and renovated/revitalized buildings,including a palace, located only 50 km from Warsaw but already in the quiet andgreen surroundings of the Mazowieckie Landscape Park on a 6-hectare site. Weare considering it in terms of organizing the International School ofHydraulics in 2025. The Hotel made an excellent impression on us; we werewelcomed, and, more importantly, we checked that it met all the organizationalrequirements of the planned conference. Visits to the facilities are anecessary and standard element for us to plan organized events. They alwaysprecede the decision on the choice of the venue, and at the stage of itsorganization, they are necessary for adequately planning the meeting program.

If you want to get to know the Sobienie Królewskie Golf & CountryClub**** Hotel more closely, please visithttps://www.konferencje.pl/o/hotel-sobienie-krolewskie-golf-country-club,1849.html

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